Monday, March 28, 2011

My Fairy Garden

This is my backyard fairy garden..although I've never seen fairies in it yet, I'm sure they stop by from time to time.  Each year I try to expand the garden so that all our grandchildren will have their space to arrange fairy furniture and of course the fairy statues.  The mirror creates the illusion of more space as if you could walk through it and into another dimension..I have a brook that starts at the mirror and runs down into the large cement leaf pond that I made and last year I added a branch bridge from the corkscrew willow in our front yard...the water in the brook is made from glass pebbles of different colors of blue and then I ususally add water into the leaf so that fairies and butterfly's can get a drink of water when thirsty.
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This is a close up picture of the gnome that is standing on Thyme Mountain, he brings gifts to the fairies and guards them from harm from the evil rabbit.  I can't wait to expand the fairy garden again this year...there are so many idea's twirling aroun in my head...soon I'll be out there digging and making it even bigger and better than last year

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